About Angela

First and foremost, I love to write. When I was in about the fifth grade, I wrote my very first short story. It was in a little pink paisley non-spiral notebook and written with a clumpy purple pen; but nevertheless, it was my first story. After that, I was determined to write more and more, and I did. When it came time to choose a major in college, English/Creative Writing seemed like the only option as something I'd want to spend the rest of my life doing. Through my college years, I ended up losing that passion, but now, I am full steam ahead on my writing path once again. My newest interest is freelance work and trying to make a living for myself to avoid heading back into the corporate world of cubicles, rush hour traffic, and an early bedtime.

I also love to read. Books are something I always have been rather fond of, and I was always the most excited child to head off to the library and come home with a pile of books to read. There is just something about holding a book in my hand and the way a new book smells that will probably cause me to never invest money in any kind of Kindle or Nook or another new e-reading creation. My goal is to have my own library in my home one day, but for now, an overflowing bookshelf will have to be sufficient.

I spend a little too much time watching television. Hopefully, in 2011, this will change. That DVR typically averages about 20 recordings on it on any given day, and I try to publish new articles for my other "blog" on Examiner.com, mainly television recaps with my sarcastic comments strewn throughout, at least 3-5 days a week. That also fuels my desire to watch television shows, but at least it's something productive to come of the bad habit.

I worked at a movie theatre for nearly eight years, and as a direct result, I have plenty of favorite movies. Ferris Bueller's Day Off tops the list, quickly followed by Dirty Dancing. More recent favorites include The Proposal and The Hangover. Disney movies never get old, and I am an avid fan of Beauty and the Beast.

My sister-in-law, Shannen, and I with Beast and Belle in Disney World.

In June of 2010, I got married, so you may see some blog entries from time to time regarding weddings and my thoughts on those. Overall, I want this blog to represent me as a person - I don't want to feel restricted in my topics like I am when I can only write about TV shows.

Finally, my family is ridiculously important to me. My mom passed away from ovarian cancer when I was 18, back in December of 2005, and she and I were very close. Since then, I always make it a point to spend as much time with my family as I can, and I never take them for granted. I appreciate each moment, because you never know how much longer you have with a person until they are gone. I've also made some pretty amazing friends along the way, and I have a lot of people in my life that I am so grateful to have gotten to know.

Me, my grandma, and my husband, Danny on Christmas.

Questions, comments, or concerns? Feel free to drop me a comment or an e-mail (angela.oesterreich@gmail.com) at any time. Thanks for stopping by!